Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) Search

Just as iterative deepening solved the space problem of breadth-first search, iterative deepening A* (IDA*) eliminates the memory constraints of A* search algorithm without sacrificing solution optimality. Each iteration of the algorithm is a depth-first search that keeps track of the cost, f(n) = g(n) + h(n), of each node generated. As soon as a node is generated whose cost exceeds a threshold for that iteration, its path is cut off, and the search backtracks before continuing.

The cost threshold is initialized to the heuristic estimate of the initial state, and in each successive iteration is increased to the total cost of the lowest-cost node that was pruned during the previous iteration. The algorithm terminates when a goal state is reached whose total cost does not exceed the current threshold.

Since Iterative Deepening A* performs a series of depth-first searches, its memory requirement is linear with respect to the maximum search depth. In addition, if the heuristic function is admissible, IDA* finds an optimal solution.

Finally, by an argument similar to that presented for DFID, IDA* expands the same number of nodes, asymptotically, as A* on a tree, provided that the number of nodes, asymptotically, as A* on a tree, provided that the number of nodes grows exponentially with solution cost. These costs, together with the optimality of A*, imply that IDA* is asymptotically optimal in time and space over all heuristic search algorithms that find optimal solutions on a tree. Additional benefits of IDA* are that it is much easier to implement, and often runs faster than A*, since it does not incur the overhead of managing the open and closed lists.

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